10 Exercises to Prime Your Arms for Tough Yoga Poses
Become an arm balance guru by prepping your upper body with strength exercises and stretches that'll help you rock a handstand-and more! Strength Moves and Stretches for Advanced Yoga Poses Do you find yourself in awe of the amazing arm balances practiced by others in your favorite yoga classes or posted on Instagram by the inspirational yogis you follow? Obviously, there's more to practicing yoga than just standing on your head (literally), but if you're seeking a new challenge and have your sights set on mastering an arm balance, try incorporating these strengthening exercises and focused stretches into your workout routine. These moves are specifically designed with five advanced arm balancing postures in mind to help you cultivate both the requisite strength and flexibility needed to ultimately work into these poses. Once you get the guts to get off the ground, you'll have the muscle to back you up! The Pose: Hurdler’s Pose T...